Monday, March 1, 2010

I Love Food

I've always loved food; the delicious taste of freshly baked cookies, the tenderness of a well marinated meat, the distinct flavors of a big pot of stew. There are very few things that I won't eat and nothing I won't try. The worst thing I've ever eaten was lemongrass and coconut soup. It tasted like Pine Sol and I felt like I was going to throw-up for the rest of the night. The best thing I've ever eaten was homemade ravioli while overlooking Tuscany.

Combinations of flavors are my favorite. You will rarely find me taking a bite of something all by itself. There always has to be an additional flavor with it. My husband is a "eat one thing at a time" type of guy, so I'm always trying to get him to combine things on his plate. I think he would even say that he likes every combination I've had him try.

So, since I have a love for food, I decided to have a place where I can write about it. I am lacking in time since my baby is 10 months old, but I'm going to do what I can.

I love new recipes, so please share some of yours, too!

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